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Author Profile

Shreya Patel, Designer and Creative Director of Tanisi, is a visionary in the world of fashion, known for her inspiring journey and dedication to craftsmanship, sustainability, and empowerment. Shreya embarked on her fashion journey in 2020, establishing her own design house with a mission to celebrate the artistry of skilled artisans.
Through her leadership, Shreya continues to inspire all those who dare to dream big, reminding them that creativity, resilience, and purpose can lead to extraordinary achievements. Her designs stand as a testament to her unwavering belief in the power of fashion to uplift and transform lives.
Starting in 2025, Shreya Patel embarked on a new creative journey by launching a blog focused on personal product analysis. And first-hand usage reviews. After years of success as a designer and creative director at Tanisi. Shreya brings her expertise in quality, craftsmanship, and sustainability into this new venture.
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